Entries by BankAdmin

AREB deberá entregar los informes de PwC sobre las revisiones de cuentas de BPA

La Agencia Estatal de Resolución de Entidades Bancarias de Andorra (AREB) deberá entregar los informes de PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC) sobre las revisiones de cuentas de BPA. Así lo ordena la Batllia (el juzgado de Andorra), que ha estimado parcialmente la demanda de unos clientes de la entidad a quien la agencia bloqueó las cuentas. Algunos […]

AREB must provide the PwC reports for the BPA account reviews

The State Agency for Resolution of Banking Institutions of Andorra (AREB) must provide the reports by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) for the BPA account reviews. As ordered by La Batllia (the court of Andorra), that has partially estimated the demand made by some clients of the entity to whom the agency blocked the accounts. Some clients of BPA sued […]

Mashreq Bank, Dubai – their reputation leaves much to be desired for due to their bad financial practices…

Once Mr. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of USA stated in one of his letter to a senator that “banking institutions are more dangerous than the armies ready for combat”. But after almost 200 years, his statement and thought seem to be prophetic and applicable for the UAE based financial institution MASHREQ BANK, as their […]

Opening a bank account with Mashreq Bank, can prove to be a real nightmare…

Investing or opening a bank account with the Mashreq Bank in Dubai, can be a real nightmare for foreign entrepreneurs, and result in fraud because of the actions of the vice president of business banking and relations manager, Ahmed Bilal Sheikh, at the Sharjah branch, an institution that, despite its long history and the experience that it preaches with its anniversary slogan […]

Abrir una cuenta bancaria en el Mashreq Bank, puede resultar una verdadera pesadilla…

Invertir o abrir una cuenta bancaria en el Mashreq Bank con sede en Dubai, puede resultar una verdadera pesadilla para los empresarios extranjeros y terminar envuelto en un fraude por parte del vicepresidente de Negocios Bancarios y gerente de Relaciones, Ahmed Bilal Sheikh, de la sucursal de Sharjah, institución que pese a su larga trayectoria […]

Las consecuencias de esta vergonzosa farsa ponen hoy al Principado en una paradoja

Indiscutiblemente el escándalo de la Banca Privada d’Andorra (BPA) tuvo un “modus operandi” que involucró a jueces y fiscales que en su momento se plegaron al servicio del poder político y económico, lo que ha quedado al descubierto con la reciente declaración de Rafael Pallardó, empresario y abogado detenido en España por su implicación en […]

The consequences of this shameful farce puts now the Principality into a paradox

Unquestionably, the scandal of Banca Privada d’Andorra (BPA) had a “modus operandi” that involved judges and prosecutors who at the time folded to the service of political and economic power, which has been exposed with the recent declaration of Rafael Pallardó, a lawyer and businessman arrested in Spain for his involvement in the alleged money-laundering […]

In the former bank, there are still a thousand of clients retained…

Despite the fact that the State Agency for Resolution of Banking Institutions (AREB), an institution created to respond to the situation of the Banca Privada d’Andorra (BPA), assumed the guardianship of the intervened entity, it has not been able to preserve the maximum value of the institution. To the contrary, they have half-acted by only finalizing the […]