Entries by BankAdmin

Demands in cascades by clients of BPA

The way in which the entity was intervened, was not clear nor legal, even less when considering that suspected are only 3 percent of the clients out of 29 thousand. In an exemplary action, more than 200 people affected by the blocking of their accounts by Banca Privada d’Andorra (BPA), have joined in a large […]

Bank officials and directors, under scrutiny for fraud of BPA

“The ideal case has taken large-scale political dyes and has involved and put influential officials of the Andorran government in the showcase of the international scandal”   The reprehensible fraud orchestrated by senior executives of the Banca Privada d’Andorra (BPA), has taken large-scale political dyes and has involved and put influential officials of the Andorran […]

The real criminals are within BPA

Fearing that banking secrecy does not exist in Andorra, nor that one can rely on its banking or on its government, the scandal of the illegal intervention of BPA pave way for a bad precedent, so that in the future, investors around the world will entrust their capitals to entities that are more secure. Although […]

Piraeus Bank – The truth beyond the lying and cheating bank

Cyprus banks are changing, especially at Piraeus bank as buy outs, consolidations and alliances are evolving and under the surface illegal banking processes are taking place. Piraeus Bank has closed members accounts without any notification whatsoever. They have no regards to any of their members who had incoming wires or payments and seem to try […]

Piraeus Banks Clients Speak Out

The effects of the rise of the Piraeus bank issue and its aftermath are still being observed and counted. The people most affected by the unethical banking practice of Piraeus Bank and its poor management policies was its clientele based on general public. The horrors and panic faced by the clients is unfathomable and its […]